
Create Your 30-second Commercial and Get Your (Inter) Net Working!

Whether you’re an old pro at MLM or a rookie, one thing’s for sure...networking is an fundamental part of building your business. The more well-known you are in the business community, and the more people who know about you and your company, the more referrals you are likely to receive. Networking provides the exposure you need and is especially critical for those who work at home to keep them from becoming too isolated. The contacts you pick up through networking continue to grow and expand until you have a web connecting you to potential potential business partners throughout the community. When your net starts working, you’ll begin receiving calls from people you’ve never met, who are associates of associates. It just goes on and on. To facilitate this happening, you must tell everyone you meet who you are and what you do. The best way I've found Iphone 4s Stand to do this is through Youtube. You can build your own commercial and be in front of millions of people in minutes. Most of us are shy about tooting our own horn. But when you’re in business, especially your own business, you must learn to toot your horn habitually. Develop a 30-second commercial which simply and concisely explains what you do as well as the benefits of your products. Make sure it’s easy to understand. Here’s a sample: “Hi, I’m Joe Smith, an rep with the National Body Company. I market a line of natural herbal supplements that make you feel great and help you lose weight quickly and safely. I also offer a complete business system for women who would like to learn how to earn a good part-time income working out of their home.” To prepare your 30-second commercial, make a list of the benefits of your service or product and incorporate them into a depiction of your business. Use the above for an example. Test it out on an associate to make sure it’s clear. Then practice, practice, practice. When you meet someone, whether it's in an elevator, online, at a business mixer, association meeting or business luncheon, your 30-second commercial quickly tells them who you are. Then you can find out who they are and exchange business contact info. Your goal is to unite with as many prospects as possible, so limit your contact time to about five minutes. You might want to make a note on their business card based on your conversation. Later you can review your notes to determine which ones to follow up. Make a phone call to arrange a meeting to get to know one another better. Remember, the best networking comes from developing business relationships. The more you Motorcycle Helmet know about each other and your businesses, the better you can supply each other’s needs. Develop a contact file and a regular strategy to help stay in touch with prospects. If you publish a newsletter, you might put them on your list to take delivery of it. Or, you could send a brochure, which describes your products and/or business opportunity. With technology, you can use autoresponders to keep them in the loop. If you happen to come across a newspaper or magazine article which may be of interest to your potential customer, you could copy it and pass it along. And, I guarantee you’ll be remembered if you call with a referral which may bring future business to your prospect. Think of the potential business out there. What are you waiting for? Practice your commercial. Grab a video camera. And get your net working!

